Introducing Bika: The First Modern Bike Rack Crafted from Killwood
Killwood Bika - only on Kickstarter until August 4, 2016 - GET YOUR BIKA TODAY!
Life in the Bike Lane
There’s no doubt that Vancouverites are feeling the economic impact of the housing market craze, but the effects extend to daily life experiences as well. Paired with higher costs of living, increased urbanization has created a need for effective transportation. Just look at the success of car-share programs such as Modo, Car2Go, and Zipcar which have accumulated over 1,000 vehicles and over 65,000 members in Vancouver as of 2014. People moving into urban areas are becoming more eco-conscious and adopting sustainable means of living, commuting, and thinking. This means that people are now driving cars much less and choosing other ways to get around, like biking. Just last week bikeportland.org noted that “Vancouver doubled biking rates in four years, likely passing Portland,” revealing the immense transportation shift in Vancouver. Now more than ever, the bicycle has become a viable solution for urban transport and the perfect way to reduce your carbon footprint.
To do more with less, more and more people are choosing two wheels instead of four. As Vancouverites also know, new living spaces have decreased dramatically in size. Vancouver condos are hitting averages of 840 square-feet. With such little space, urban bikers are forced to lean their bikes against walls and couches, where they can easily be knocked over, damaging the bike or the home itself. Just last week my friend spent over $1,000 on a new bicycle only to park it against his desk and have it tip over. Some bikes are stored in parking garages or even outdoors, exposed to rain, dirt and darn people with sticky fingers. When bikers want to embark on their journey, they do not want to scramble for their keys and necessities, but rather want to get out the door and enjoy the bike ride. There must be a solution to these #BikingProblems.
Introducing Bika
What if a space-saving product could support and protect people’s bikes, while holding their gear? We’ve created the perfect solution to these #bikingproblems for urban bikers. In spirit of #BTWW (Bike to Work Week) and June being Bike to Work month, it’s the perfect time to meet Bika, the first modern bike rack crafted from wood that does good. Bika is simple, elegant, and sustainable. Its super strong magnet key holder, cork-lined rack, and minimalist design make it a great companion for any cyclist, and any home. Bika offers grab-and-go convenience and displays the story of reviving BC forests. The Bika is crafted from Pine Beetle Kill wood, an upcycled wood from Canadian trees that have been devastated by the pine beetle epidemic. Not just a solution for urban bikers, Bika is the embodiment of the Vancouver lifestyle. Lets simplify urban biking, and help the environment at the same time!